Thursday, March 6, 2008

50 Lessons (Pack 1)

50 Lessons (Pack 1)
4 video lessons WMV 52.1MB

Fifty Lessons, the world’s leading digital business library, represents an invaluable investment for entrepreneurs and business leaders who pursue high performance within their organisations; for academics and consultants who want teaching material which is practical and engaging; and for individuals wanting to improve their personal performance in the business world.

Staging Significant Moments
Professor Jay Conger
University of Southern California

By staging a memorable and engaging event, management can demonstrate that there has been a fundamental change in the organization’s behavior or strategic outlook.
Constant Innovation
Lord Bilimoria
Cobra Beer

Try to be constantly innovative: and one of the best ways to do this is to always work with the best advisers. Even if they cost more, such innovation – especially in the early days - enables you to punch above your weight and sets you apart from your competition.
Tough Conversations
Stephen Dando

Think carefully about the best way to approach people who are working out of alignment with the organisation’s goals, but don’t put off having difficult conversations. If people become defensive, explaining how their behaviour affects you at an individual level can be very effective.
Keeping Your Balance
Dean Laura Tyson
London Business School

The key to creating an achievable work-life balance is setting expectations that are reasonable given your circumstances, and appreciating that at times these might need to be compromised but can be evened out in the future.

Downloads (File size: 52.1MB)

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